6 good reasons to do a skills assessment
with Kagami
Kagami is 100% fundable by your CPF: you will not have to advance the funds if you have the necessary training credits.
100% of our beneficiaries went to the end of the course because our method is motivating: it uses group dynamics combined with the expertise and individual support of a coach.
Kagami is a framing method when you need it most: a weekly group session of 3 hours, periodic individual appointments, workshops.
Kagami is part of the real time of a reconversion : between your start and the end of the program, 6 months will have passed. The average time in France in 2020 to find a job is 7 months. The orientation phase, skills assessment, construction of the project, establishment of the action plan, takes an average of 5 months. Kagami therefore accompanies you until the implementation of your project and does not abandon you along the way! 6 months after the end of the program, your coach will contact you to take stock with you.
Kagami is Qualiopi certified: this quality certification re-audited every 18 months guarantees you a process that complies with the expectations of the quality benchmark for skills assessments defined by the legislator.
You only commit financially if you are convinced:
the information meeting or the individual information appointment are free and without obligation;
the first 3-hour group session is non-binding. You will only pay at the end of this session if you are convinced!
6 good reasons to do a skills assessment
with Kagami
Andrea P, an employee of a large company, has chosen part-time work to develop her entrepreneurial project
“In full development of a new professional activity, I found myself at a fateful moment in my professional project: making essential choices. I asked myself many questions: What do I want to do? How to proceed? What do I need? What are my resources? What means to deploy to achieve this? The KAGAMI method has helped me to know myself better, to deepen my professional project and to make conscious choices to move forward. The collective is the strength of this method. »
Anne H, independent real estate adviser regained confidence in her abilities and clarified her professional choices
“I was lost in my professional choices. Kagami allowed me to flat out my skills, and even to discover new ones, and to gain a lot of self-confidence. Group work had a propellant effect on me. The group's mirror effect is clearly effective. As we weave ties, as we look for ideas together, the group helped me resolve my doubts. What is great in this method is both work on our skills and at the same time deep work on our values, missions, who we are... I highly recommend Kagami to those who wish to find their professional path. ! »
The phases of the Kagami program
The preliminary phase
Information meeting: Before committing to the KAGAMI program, future participants take part in an hour and a half information meeting during which the KAGAMI coach, accompanied by former participants, presents the method and answers any questions.
Registration form: After the information meeting, future participants complete a questionnaire to validate their availability and commitment, as well as to identify their specific accommodation needs in relation to a disability.
Individual interview: Based on the questionnaire, the KAGAMI coach collects the needs and expectations of the future participant, and validates their compatibility with the KAGAMI program.
First group session: For three hours, the KAGAMI coach goes over the method in more detail and introduces the concept of Proven Skills. At the end of this session, the participants formally express their needs and expectations (see below) and validate their registration (bank transfer if personal financing or activation of the CPF financing for French residents). => Needs and expectations: Participants complete the questionnaire "My Expectations", which will guide their future work and serve as an evaluation indicator.
The investigation phase using the IKIGAÏ method
Sharing and analyzing your professional and personal journey.
Identification of your technical, personal and interpersonal skills, contextualization and impactfull communication.
Identification of your passions, your mission and your constraints.
Identification of your target positioning using the structure/impact quadrant method (self-employed, small/large company employee, entrepreneur, intrapreneur, etc.).

The closing phase
Choice of 3 professional projects. Verification of their consistency with the result of your Ikigai.
Choice of 1 professional project amongst the 3 previously selected, then summary drafting of the chosen project.
Networking meetings. Understanding how the professional network works. Preparation and simulation of job and networking interviews.
Identification of obstacles including training needs.
Definition of the action plan.
The consolidation phase
Continuing the networking meetings.
Construction and training in targeted pitches.
Adjustment and enrichment of the project.
Construction and monitoring of the action plan taking into account the feasibility, difficulty and priority of the tasks.
Update and weekly report of the action plan.
Work on the business model canvas for "independent" or "entrepreneur" projects.
The service offer phase
Preparation of a service offer, i.e. a response to a job offer as an employee or a service proposal for an entrepreneur, artist or freelancer.
Simulation of a service offer interview.
The 6 months follow-up phase
Completion report by comparing the results obtained with the expectations and objectives initially set-up.
If necessary: review of the remaining tasks of the action plan.
If necessary: personal and professional development follow-up proposal, such as training, individual or group coaching.